Having a Sense of Humour

Having a Sense of Humour

Life when seen in its totality, is neither good nor bad. It is what you make of it. A pessimist always looks at the murky side of life, manages to find some drawbacks in the happiest of situations, whereas a person who is an optimist with a keen sense of humour, manages to clinch a redeeming factor, even in the most hopeless situations.

What is humour? Leo Roster calls humour ‘the affectionate communication of insight’. It is the best of sanity. It is taking joy in the ludicrous. A person with a sense of humour adds a spice and color to a dull gathering. He/she lends vivacity and sheer joy to a mundane conversation. He/she excludes cheerfulness and brings hope in the midst of woes and problems. A well – developed sense of humour is like a pole that helps you balance your steps as you walk the tightrope of life. A keen sense of humour helps one to look at the sunny side of things.

Humour is an inoffensive way of puncturing the vanity of those who are too full of themselves. It dispels grimness, relieves tension and alleviates stress. Very often a witty repartee or a funny remark can make a crying person laugh and help find hope in a seemingly hopeless situation. A person with sense of humour may manage to bring the follies of a friend in a manner that does not annoy and yet makes the person concerned aware of his faults. He is much sought after, for he makes interesting company.

Cultivating a sense of humour helps one to look at one‘s own inadequacies, to relax and look at the warp and weave of life in an amused and objective manner. The most trivial things and situations can stimulate humour.

Humour may be either boisterous or subtle. It surely adds that extra ‘zip’ which makes life more colourful and lively. Besides everything else, a humourist has the knack of making himself felt, even in the dark. Humour and mirth help one to cope better with life for:

“ If one can laugh at life one can live with it “.

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